Today we used adding machine tape to create timelines. My students had to choose important events from the book to represent using illustrations, dates, and/or quotes from the book. This activity really gets readers digging through the book to locate facts.
We also brainstormed other ideas for literature circles. Here's our list of possible responses to literature:
*Creating a play to act out a scene from the story.
*Woven story mats: Each group creates a strip of adding machine tape that represents the story then they are all woven together to create one comprehensive piece of artwork.
*Discuss the favorite part of the book then come up and act it out like charades.
*Predict what might happen next (rewrite the ending of the story or write a continuation of the story).
*Chart advantages and disadvantages of living forever. (Specific to Tuck)
*Put together a Venn Diagram to show the similarities and differences of main characters.
*Draw what you imagine the characters looking like.
*Discuss the metaphors included in the book.